With spring our gardens and parks are bursting into bloom and as we move into June roses come into season. Roses have been used in food, drink and beauty products from ancient times for their healing properties. I love the smell of roses, and this inspires me to add rose water and rose petals into a recipe. 

I wanted to try making a simple dessert, with rose as the star ingredient. The brandy snap baskets make a prefect serving option, while adding texture and flavour. The Crème Fraiche – you can also use a dairy-free option – creamy Oat Fraiche, makes the prefect base for adding the rose water and petals, the nuts add texture and crunch and fresh raspberries finish the dessert making a delicious, indulgent summer dessert! 

These brandy snaps with rose and raspberry crème fraiche make a great party dessert for your summer gatherings, do let me know if you try them! 

Ingredients – serves 4 

  • 4 Brandy snap baskets 
  • 200g Crème Fraiche
  • ¼ teaspoon Rose water
  • 1 tablespoon Rose petals
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped roasted hazelnuts 
  • Handful of fresh raspberries 

Method for Brandy Snaps with rose and raspberry Crème Fraiche

1. Place the brandy snap baskets in serving bowls/plates

2. Mix the Crème Fraiche with the rose water and then evenly spoon out into the baskets 

3. Sprinkle the Crème Fraiche with rose petals, hazelnuts and finally the raspberries 

4. Serve and enjoy!

Conscious Cooking

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