Conscious Cook and Tone Retreat
Conscious Cook and Tone Retreat
What is Conscious Cooking?

Conscious Cooking is about making conscious choices through the whole process from selecting and buying ingredients to pairing food groups to ensure maximum nutrition and taste and then finally presenting and serving to appeal to all the senses. In this way you begin to listen to what your body really wants and needs, you rebalance your energy levels and maximise your nutrition in a few simple steps.
But most of all, Conscious Cooking is all about taste…at The Body Retreat we believe that life is too short to eat bad or bland food so our healthy recipes maximise taste as well as nutrition.
We have a range of everyday recipes that you can quickly master and top tips to inspire you to get creative at home and the retreat will feature a range of dishes from Soups, Smoothies & Juices, Healthy Main Meals, Snacks, Salads and even Raw Puddings.

Why choose our Conscious Cook and Tone Retreat?
Are you a foodie with a disordered relationship with food? Do you have an “all or nothing” approach to healthy eating? Do you worry about eating out or eating foods that you have not prepared yourself? Or maybe you have begun a new healthy relationship with food and are keen to take it further?
Spend a midweek behind the scenes of Juls “dance space” as she calls it, learning the secrets of many of The Body Retreat healthy dishes and what inspired her to write her first book Conscious Cooking.
This retreat will be a mixture of cooking demonstrations with hands on experience so you will enjoy learning, preparing, tasting and eating over the week. But also there will be workshops and support around letting go of negative thoughts about food, about letting go of anxiety over eating, of learning to feel confident in all Foodie situations.
The final night will be the highlight of the week will be a healthy 3 course gala dinner including canapés and cocktails.
What will you do on our Conscious Cook & Tone
You can be hands on or hands off during the Cook & Tone event.. there will be daily workshops and demonstrations as well as an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and pop an apron on in the kitchen.
Of course it wouldn’t be a Body Retreat weekend without a little movement to go along with all the healthy food and so you can expect exercise favourites like Wake-up workout, daily short walks and a daily toning class.

On our Conscious Cook and Tone Retreat you will…
Cook & Eat for Health
Meals after that will be dairy, red meat and refined grain free – all freshly prepared using seasonal, local and (where possible) organic ingredients, and very delicious. You’ll be encouraged to body brush daily and enjoy the sauna too, to support the natural detox process. There will be a nutrition workshop on how to heal the body with food and following you can have a private 1-2-1 nutritional consultation with Kate Delmar-Morgan. Through the week Juls will be available to answer any questions on food she has prepared for you and top tips on how to make good choices to help combat stress and re-balance hormones.
Rethink Your Relationship with Food
When was the last time you thought about why you eat the way you eat, or reviewed how your body and mind are affected by the food you choose to eat. Our Cook & Tone Retreat helps you to rethink your relationship with food.
Move Your Body
It would not be a Body Retreat without Movement and our Cook & Tone Retreat is no different. We start every day with Wake Up Workout, enjoy Daily Walks in the local countryside and have optional toning classes so you can energise and invigorate body and mind.
Make Time for You
Enjoy time by the pool, curl up with a good book by the fire, take an afternoon nap or enjoy a massage treatment. This is a retreat of balance and so making time for you is essential.