

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the Retreat that is right for you is not a quick decision to make, it’s likely that you will have a lot of questions to help you make the right choice for you. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions that might be helpful.

Will You Take Away My Phone?2024-08-13T12:33:57+01:00

No, not even on our Stress Reset Retreat.  It is true that many of us are too connected to our devices and this can be detracting from our ability to focus on how we truly feel.  Yes we do encourage a digital detox while you are Retreating and we ask that you don’t bring your phone to the table or use during workshops and we recommend that you do take the opportunity to rest in the allocated rest times during the day.  But we know that many of our Retreaters want and need to be in contact with home or work during their Retreat and so need their phone.

Am I Too Old?2024-08-13T12:27:59+01:00

No.  The age range of women who join us at The Body Retreat ranges from 19 – 90.  The average age of Retreaters is 48 and one of our most regular Retreaters is in her early 80’s.  Remember this isn’t Bootcamp, nothing is compulsory here and every class can be modified for everyone no matter their age, size, fitness level so you can safely enjoy taking part in every aspect of The Body Retreat.

Can I Come on My Own?2024-08-13T12:15:51+01:00

Absolutely, in fact about 90% of the women who join us here at The Body Retreat come alone.  Occasionally we get mum & daughter, partners, sisters for example but the majority of the time everyone is a solo retreater.  It is great to have time and space to focus on just you for the week.

Can I Bring My Dog?2024-08-13T12:20:21+01:00

Sorry but the answer is no.  Now you will see that we do have two Retreat Dogs, Bella & Bailey, but they do not live at The Retreat House. They join the daily walkies and have a little free time every afternoon, but they do not have the run of the Retreat House and are not in the public areas.  Not everyone likes dogs and some retreaters have allergies so it is important that the Retreat House is a clean and safe space for everyone and the Retreat Dogs know their place.  Having said that, many Retreaters love the daily interaction with B&B and they have helped many a Retreater tackle a hill while out walking.

Will I be hungry all the time?2024-08-13T12:22:56+01:00

At all Body Retreat events you will eat about every 3 hours to keep your metabolic rate high and to help stop you feeling hungry. This is also the key for stabilising your blood sugar which in turn becomes you way of eating for life. Check out our Food on Retreat page for more detail about what you will eat.

What if I have a food intolerance?2024-05-03T23:51:43+01:00

If you have a food intolerance or allergy then you have come to the right place.  We cater for all dietary requirements, Juls has years of training and personal expense of creating healthy nutrias and varied dishes that support all retreaters.

What happens if it rains?2024-05-03T23:51:28+01:00

We have a very varied schedule of events, so while we love to be outdoors in the fresh air we use indoor areas when able to. But we believe little water won’t hurt so we try to keep to our schedule where possible.

Do I have to take part in all of the activities on the Retreat?2024-05-03T23:51:07+01:00

All of our retreat programmes have been carefully designed and structured to provide the optimum results based on our three core pillars, Exercise, Nutrition and Behaviour. Each retreat varies in the emphasis placed on each pillar. Often activities, classes or workshops are designed to be cumulative and so we encourage you to attend all activities to ensure you gain maximum benefit. Before we confirm any booking we will speak with each client to be sure they are planning to attend the retreat that is right for them. Once on retreat you are treated as an individual and our team will ensure that any individual circumstances are taken into consideration.

Do I have to share a room?2024-05-03T23:50:51+01:00

No you don’t have to share, you can choose to have a single occupancy room, however a lot of our clients do come on their own and are happy to share a room with one other. You may find you are glad of the extra motivation to get you going.

Will I be fit enough to keep up in the Exercise element of the retreats?2024-05-03T23:50:32+01:00

Our personal service starts before you even come to The Body Retreat, all enquires and bookings are followed up by either Julie or Juls by telephone call. This way both we and you can be sure you are booked on the most appropriate retreat. All our Body Retreat events are designed so that you can work at your own pace. As we keep our groups small you get personal attention so you do not need to struggle at the back, or feel ashamed to speak out. Our instructors will be offering alternatives at all times while at the same time encouraging you beyond you’re comfort zone.

What do I need to bring?2024-05-03T23:50:12+01:00

Once you have booked we will send you a full kit list for all of The Body Retreat events, however the most important things to bring are an open mind,  the desire to get stuck in and a sense of humour.

How intense are the retreat packages?2024-05-03T23:49:55+01:00

We are here to help encourage, motivate and support everyone to achieve their best. We want to help you achieve the results you want, we also want you to enjoy yourselves and leave feeling rejuvenated and motivated. Each package is specially designed to achieve a goal, whether that be weight loss, improved fitness, a rebalanced body and mind or a cleansed digestive system. There may be times we you feel a little tired but you will never feel you cant do it, our courses are designed to have balance each and every day and rest, relaxation and reflection are important parts of every Body Retreat.

What is included in my Body Retreat stay?2024-05-03T23:49:38+01:00

Everything you could possibly need is included in the price of your stay. As you will see on our website, it includes, in addition to your accommodation, and full days scheduled activities all your meals and snacks, drinks, master classes in nutrition and behvaiour, one complimentary massage* professional instruction in all activities, even a goodie bag on arrival and a packed lunch on your last day.

It is quite simply the best value of any luxury health and fitness resort. For full details, please refer to the What’s Included button. There are also a few “extras”, should you wish to have additional treatment during your stay or have a 1-2-1 session. All supplements are clearly indicated there is no misleading small print.

*not on weekend events

How do I decide which retreat is best for me?2024-05-03T23:49:19+01:00

Think about what you would like to achieve and how much time you have to spend with us. You may want to begin your journey to getting the body you want, or perhaps you feel like you are running on empty and need to rebalance? Perhaps you would like to experience something completely different. We are more than happy to guide you through the choices to help you make the best selection. If you are pregnant, have a lymphatic disorder or unmedicated high blood pressure, some retreat activities will not be suitable for you.

Who comes to The Body Retreat?2024-05-03T23:48:58+01:00

Women from all ages, backgrounds, fitness levels, from all around the UK, Europe and Middle East and beyond choose to join us at The Body Retreat.  Women just like you join us for a variety of reasons – to improve their fitness, to lose weight, improve their health or simply just to get away from the daily grind take time for themselves and challenge themselves to regain control of their health and well being.

Whatever your reason for coming to a Body Retreat, we will ensure that you achieve the most out of your experience.

Request a Callback

Click the button below to request a callback to discuss your retreat options.

Weight loss

stress reset

healthy holiday

sugar detox

Conscious Cook and Tone

Menopause Retreat

If You Think It’s Time To Invest In Yourself, Please Click The Request A Call Back Below And We’ll Help You Find The Right Retreat For You

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