Sugar Detox Retreat
Sugar Detox Retreat
Change your relationship with food

Lifestyle-related diabetes has become one of the fastest growing health problems in today’s society. Fortunately, positive lifestyle changes can make a huge difference.
These days it is pretty hard to avoid sugar. It is a naturally occurring energy source in fruits, veggies and carbohydrates but it is increasingly being added to every day foods like yoghurt, breakfast cereals, pasta sauces, stock cubes even sausages. The list of “hidden” sugars goes on and on.
In the long term, too much sugar in the diet can lead to weight gain and diabetes, but it’s harmful in the short term too. Even moderate regular sugar intake is linked with a host of conditions from brain fog, fungal infections, mood swings, low energy levels, mucus production, inflammation and lowered immunity.
When giving up sugar, the first few days are often the hardest as the sugar cravings kick in and the “healing crisis “caused by the detox process begins. It is at this point that most home programmes fail. Our carefully designed Sugar Detox Retreat supports your body and mind to beat this vicious cycle and put you back in control of your health permanently.

Why Choose our Sugar Detox Retreat
Our Sugar Detox is so much more than just a week long retreat…infact it is really a 6 week Sugar Detox Programme.
Before you join us on retreat you will be sent a one week At Home Detox Preparation Programme. This will help you to overcome any withdrawal symptoms and really maximise your retreat experience.
Then of course there is the week long Residential Sugar Detox Retreat, taking you away from your normal environment, the distractions and temptations and having a fully immersive detox experience.
When you leave the Sugar Detox Retreat you go home armed with a 4 Week At Home Programme, this supports you to re-introduce natural sugars back into your diet in a controlled and planned way, you even get weekly emails to help you manage your re-introduction in the real world.
So you see, while cutting your sugar habit may be hard we have made sure that you have the best possible support mentally, physically and emotionally to make sure that you succeed.
If you feel that you would benefit from even more support why not join us for our 14 Day Sugar Detox into Weight Loss Retreat. You get all the benefits of the Sugar detox six week plan…but now you also get the additional support of having us make the re-introduction of natural sugars. This option also has the benefit of having a wider range of workshops and activities based around establishing a healthy relationship with food in all its form…thereby really setting you up for long term success.

This is the Perfect Retreat to…
This is the perfect Retreat for those with established and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, those at a high risk of developing the condition as a result of raised blood sugar levels or through family history or those diagnosed with insulin resistance. It is possible to Kick Your Sugar Habit, Reclaim Control of Your Health and Regain Your Waistline with our Sugar Detox Programme.
On our residential Sugar Detox programme you will…
Eat Real Whole Foods
Our nutrition plan is about nourishing you from inside out. So you can expect to eat really well, it is clean whole foods, we remove about 80% of the natural sugars from the diet, this includes grains, starchy veg, fruit and even dairy. We are looking at recalibrating your taste buds by fuelling up on clean proteins, good fats and fibre. You may miss the sugars to begin with but you will never feel starved!! Thats a promise.
Detox Your Mind
A detox isn’t just a time to cleanse your body, but to also to let go of any self sabotaging thoughts or emotions which may be holding you back or causing you stress or emotional attachments that may be keeping you stuck in a sugar fuelled rut. Your week will include group sessions of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy and guided visualisations to help you let go of toxic emotions and rebalance.
Move Your Body
An important part of your daily routine will be gentle exercise. There’ll be up to four classes a day of low impact exercise such as yoga, Pilates, walking and toning, and we also suggest you make full use of the swimming pool to encourage movement, flexibility and support detoxification.
Enjoy some R&R
Being good to yourself and taking time out is vital, but especially on a detox, when our energy is taken up with the detoxing process and we need to gently support our bodies rather than overloading them. Included in your week is a body treatment and you’ve the option to book more therapies. There will also be sessions to help you pick up relaxation techniques to use at home.