Weight Loss Retreat for Women
weight loss retreats uk
Its not only about what you Lose but about what you Gain

You expect that when you join any residential Weight Loss Retreat that you will shed pound and inches…but for us its more about what you gain than what you lose.
You can expect to gain a sense of clarity over what foods to eat to balance your energy, your mood and your waistline. No faddy diets or trends here , just the down to earth practical appliance of science specifically targeting female biology and psychology.
You can expect to feel a sense of true balanced energy, a sense of vitality and wellness that you may not have felt for years.
You can expect to leave with increased confidence and motivation to continue to make positive choices for yourself at home.
You can also except to be a part of our Retreat Family as our ongoing support is always there for you.
*Disclaimer*There are many contributing factors that influence results, results will differ for each individual.

Why choose our Weight Loss Retreat?
You will achieve life long and in some cases life-saving changes. You’ll get results on our Weight Loss Retreats exclusively for women – the average weight our clients lose is 9 lbs and 6 inches. You would expect to shed some weight on a residential weight loss retreat of course …so more importantly you’ll also learn how to keep that weight off, with an intelligent focus on behaviour, nutrition and movement as well as some good old fashioned R&R.
Forget what you’ve been told about eating less and moving more – that might help you lose weight in the short term, but it wont help you keep it off for life. Instead, we will help you to eat better and move smarter, so your weight loss is sustainable.
Choose between our 7 Day Weight Loss Retreat, a midweek Kick Start Retreat, ..or if you are looking for a longer and more intensive experience then why not combine the two as our Kick Start Retreat runs into our Full 7 Day Weight Loss Retreats meaning you can enjoy a 12 Day Retreat stay.
At the end of your Retreat you leave us with meal planners, recipes and exercise plan to help you continue your momentum at home.
On our Weight Loss Retreat you will…
Change Your Mind
We’ll help you change the lifestyle and behavioural patterns which in the past may have encouraged you to put on weight or prevented you from losing it. Your weight loss retreat week will include hypnotherapy and behaviour sessions tailored to the needs of your group – you might learn how to get rid of food cravings, understand how mood affects hunger or overcome your triggers to over eat at times when you are not truly hungry.
Eat Well
It is time to ditch the diets and reconnect to eating real food. Our beautifully cooked, freshly prepared meals use seasonal, local and organic produce and can be tailored to any dietary requirements. We encourage conscious eating, to ensure that you enjoy improved digestion and good gut health and that you also begin to savour your food and never feel the need to over eat again.
Move Your Body
There’ll be exercise sessions in which you’ll be encouraged to work at your own pace, the exercise programme can be modified to your fitness level so you don’t feel over whelmed or uncomfortable. With a programme that may include low and high intensity classes from toning classes, daily walks, Yoga, Pilates, Nordic walking, swimming, zumba and boxfit, keeping active on this retreat is fun and easy, and we’re sure you won’t be bored.
Enjoy some R&R
Taking time out is just as important as thinking and moving, so there’ll also be plenty of time for rest and relaxation. Rest allow your muscles repair and grown and so you become more metabolically active. R&R is also essential for hormone regulation, in particular those hormones that regulate hunger. Included in your week is a body massage or body exfoliation (depending on the week) and you’ve the option to book more therapies/treatments during your stay.