Turkey Meatballs with Courgette Spaghetti Aribiatta
Serves 4
500 gms Ground Turkey
1 Large Onion, finely chopped
2 Galic Cloves, chopped
50gm Quinioa flakes
1 Egg
4 large Courgettes
1 Can Chopped Tomatoes
1 Tbsp Tomato Concentrate
1 Carrot, chopped
2 Sticke Celery, chopped
1 Green Pepper, chopped
500mls Chicken Stock
Dried Mixed Herbs
Dried Chilli Flakes
Salt & Pepper
2 tbsp Oil
Pecorino Romano Cheese


First to make your meatballs.

Take on half the chopped onion along with one clove of garlic. In a frying pan heat ½ tbps oil and gently fry the onion and garlic to soften. Then in a large mixing bowl combine the turkey, the onion mix , the quinioa flakes and egg. Mix together to thoroughly combine.

Then use a soupspoon to measure out 12 meatballs from your mixture. I find that one-heaped soupspoon is the perfect meatball portion. Place these on a paper lined baking tray and pop in the fridge to firm up for at least 30 mins but overnight if you like.

Next prepare the courgette spaghetti. The key I’ve found to creating good spaghetti ribbons is to use fresh firm courgettes…the water content needs to be just right or your get flacid ribbons. I use a sprizalizer…bought of Amazon it has not become one those gadgets that languish in the back of the cupboard, but actually gets regular use. Simply cut the ends of each courgette to create a flat surface, and then you simply sprilize. Keep the pressure up as this helps you to create the lovely long spaghetti ribbons. Place the spaghetti in a colander, cover with tea towel and set to one side for about an hour and allow to drain and dry a little.

The quickest pasta sauce ever. Take the rest of your onion and garlic and gently fry in ½ tbps oil until soft but not brown. Then add the carrot, celery and pepper and cook for a further moment or two until they begin to soften. I like my veggies to still be crunchy in the dish as this adds great texture. Now add the herbs, chilli, tomato, concentrate and stock and reduce the heat allow to cook for about 10 mins.

When you are ready to bring the dish together. Put the oven on 140.

On a lined baking tray make a nest of courgette ribbons for each portion and when the temperature is reached place in the oven to gently warm through, this will only take about 10 minutes. Now put a gentle low heat under your aribbiatta sauce and keep it to a low simmer while you prepare the meatballs.

Meanwhile heat the remaining oil in a frying pan and brown the meatballs, you will want to do this in batches so that you can turn them easily. The trick here is to not be tempted to turn them too soon..that’s when they stick to the bottom on the pan and you end up with mince! Allow the surface in contact with the pan to firm up and you will see and feel when the yare ready to turn. When they are browned on all sides you can pop them into the sauce pot on top on the sauce and allow then to cook through for a further 10/15 mins.

To serve place a nest of spaghetti ribbons on each plate, top with the meatballs and sauce and give a little grating of cheese.

Conscious Cooking

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  1. Anita Spehar 28 January 2025 at 19:40 - Reply


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